Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Update post back surgery for Grady

If you are following our MAF prayer letters you will remember that Grady went off to Portugal for a surgery at the beginning of April.  His surgery went well and the recovery is progressing as it should.  Thank you thank you thank you Lord!  At this point it is still too early to know how much it will help the back pain he has been dealing with since the accident. 
Grady waiting for surgery

He was scheduled to be gone just over three weeks but after the surgery the doctor felt it would be best if he had several weeks of physical therapy prior to returning.  Thankfully the car driver’s insurance agreed to pay for a ticket change and the required therapy!  Our Africa regional director even came for a quick, encouraging visit up to Portugal to see him – what an amazing way to show Grady he is appreciated, cared for and valued.  Grady is now set to return on May 12th.  And we are ready for his return as it will have been just over six weeks!  

The boys and I are doing alright.  We made it the first week and a half when Diego still had school and then my brother was able to come visit for two weeks!  It was his first time in Moz and in Africa and we were all beyond delighted to have him with us.  He was able to experience rats and power outages, a tiny bit of culture and normal life for us here, take a flight to the coast with me to pickup some passengers and swim in the Indian Ocean.  He did a great job keeping us (especially me) sane.  Now we are in the home stretch with a week and a half left before Grady returns. 
Diego in a relay race at end of term swimming event.
Swimming in the Indian Ocean with Uncle Cody.

Please keep praying for Grady’s recovery and for an uplifting time in Portugal for him.  Also for my patience with the boys.  I love them dearly but sometimes they are a handful that makes me fly up the wall in a less than loving reaction… :( Also for the boys, Diego especially is missing Daddy and just more emotional than normal. 

When he gets back it will be right into the frying pan because government inspections are scheduled for the week after his return!

Thank you all for your prayers and concern during this process – we appreciate you all very much.  

Hugs, Holly

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